Thetas for a Lifetime: Steph Musser and Christiana Marvray

375149_10152872674955414_1088234037_nIt was Preference Day, and after the exciting -albeit overwhelming – week that is recruitment, I found myself sitting inside Kappa Alpha Theta at a table with several other women. I looked around nervously when I caught the eyes of someone sitting across from me. This person had the friendliest eyes and gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back and turned my head to listen to the presentation. A couple of months later, I found out the wide-eyed stranger was Christiana Marvray, who would soon become my best friend. After that interaction on Pref Day, Christiana and I would occasionally hang out– mostly she would just happen to be there when I needed to talk to someone. It was like the universe was trying to tell us something.

1001950_10153143196095414_112124883_nHowever it wasn’t until second semester of our sophomore year that my friendship with Christiana truly blossomed. (Christiana could probably tell this story better than I can because she has a memory like an elephant and I have the memory of a squirrel.) It was a snow day in February, and while I’m from Iowa, the snow and I are not friends. Christiana found me in my room binge-watching Netflix. Christiana is from California, so it makes sense that she doesn’t like the snow. We are both introverts with a distaste for snow, but that day Christiana came to my room with a problem that I was facing as well. “I want to go play in the snow with everyone, but I also want some alone time.” We decided we would join our sisters and friends. In that moment we became best friends.

While Christiana and I could not be more opposite; she’s from the West Coast, I’m from the Midwest; she’s a Democrat, I’m a Republican; she loves science, I love writing; I have learned how to be a better version of myself because of her friendship. We probably would have never met if Theta hadn’t brought us together. I am so thankful for the woman smiling across from me on Pref Day with bright eyes, big dreams and an even bigger heart.

– Steph Musser

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