February Leading Woman: Mia


Mia Graham (’15) is driven, resilient, and passionate, which is exactly what makes her a leading woman.

As a Kansas City native, MU was always on the forefront of Mia’s mind while deciding where to further her education. When she visited campus, she instantly fell in love with everything MU had to offer. As a Nutritional and Health Sciences major, the MizzouRec was a major selling point for her. In fact, Mia says that one of her favorites pastimes is to go workout at the Rec.

After spending less than two years on campus, Mia has already established herself as a leader. She has a busy schedule full of internships, volunteering, and academics. She works at the Women and Children’s Hospital and has a health and wellness internship with Mizzou Athletics. She isn’t exactly sure what she wants to do after graduation, but she explores her passions every day- thus bettering Mizzou in the process.

This past winter break, Mia showcased her leadership skills by leading an MAB trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee. While there, she and her group spent a week volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. Mia says this trip was one of the highlights of her college career because it showed her how much of an effect one person can have on someone else’s life.

To Mia, being a leading woman is difficult to define; there’s so many ways one to lead. However, she strives to make everyone feel valued. In Kappa Alpha Theta, she loves the sense of community during work week and bid day, and she strives to make all members of the chapter feel that way. The best way she has found to do this is to lead by example so everyone feels like they are respected and have a voice.

Mia is a shining face in the Theta house. You’ll never cross paths with her without receiving a smile and friendly hello. Mia asks everyone how their day is going, and often knows what is going on in most people’s lives. She is caring and passionate, doesn’t take herself too seriously and makes everyone feel valued. We are truly grateful to have Mia as a member of our chapter. Not only does she make our chapter better, she helps each and every one of us become the best women we can be everyday.

January Leading Woman: Lillie



With a heart for service and a kind spirit, Lillie Heigl (’14) serves the Kappa Alpha Theta and MU communities every day as a leading woman.

It’s easy to see how Lillie leads: she sits on the Mizzou Alternative Breaks Executive Board, was a member of the 2016 Mizzou Homecoming Steering Committee and is involved with a number of other campus organizations including the Alumni Association Student Board and the Chancellor’s Leadership Class. You can find her in almost every hidden corner on campus while maintaining her academic performance: she is a model student.

However, it isn’t Lillie’s good grades, smiling face, or ability to be everywhere at once that makes her a wonderful Leading Woman. Her best leadership qualities are brought out through her genuine passion for bringing good to others and lending a hand wherever it may be needed. To Lillie, being a leading woman means always looking for and pursuing opportunities to empower, serve and love others.

Lillie’s passion for service began when she was young and is largely influenced by her family, particularly her sister, AnnCatherine, who was born with Down syndrome. Growing up in a special needs family and with AnnCatherine as her best friend has molded Lillie into who she is today.

“I learned from my sister that you can give your best effort in everything, but there will always be someone faster, smarter or prettier,” Lillie said. “If my goal is to be the best, I’m going to be disappointed. So, I live my life in a way that I strive not to be the best at everything I do, but to do my best in everything.”

Throughout her childhood, Lillie spent time volunteering and serving on mission trips; she came to MU motivated to find opportunities to continue these activities in college. Through Theta, she connected with women who introduced her to Mizzou Alternative Breaks and encouraged her to apply to site lead and, later, to the Board of Directors.

“I love that service is about loving another person and being what they need you to be,” Lillie said. “I am passionate about service because it’s an opportunity for me to step outside of my life, my experiences and my day-to-day normal to learn from someone else and to become more aware of the world around me.

Lillie’s time at MU and with Theta is a perfect example of the values our chapter stands for. Not only has she strived to be her personal best, but she has also both given and received encouragement to pursue her passions from fellow Thetas. She has followed the exceptional examples given by older Thetas and, combined with the values instilled by her family, molded herself into an example for younger Thetas.

It is neither the many hats she wears nor the various leadership positions Lillie holds that make her an exceptional leading woman, but rather the caring heart and passion within her that make her a role model for so many and, most importantly, make us exceptionally proud to call her a member of the Alpha Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta.


A Year in Review at Alpha Mu

Another year has come and gone at 603 Kentucky Boulevard and the women of Alpha Mu have ensured that it is a year not to be forgotten. As always, our members have been busy juggling commitments to academics, service, friendships and family. However, a few new strides have been taken this year.

As many have heard, our beloved Facility Manager, Mama Gee, retired in May. The beginning of the fall semester required a little adjusting as we began a new school year without Mama Gee, but our new Facility Manager helped ease the transition. We welcomed Mama Kathy in August and have discovered a new reason to love her everyday since! Mama Kathy has been in the MU Greek community for a while. She previously managed another sorority and a fraternity, but we are determined to make Kappa Alpha Theta her favorite home in Greek Town! We are already so thankful for the endless love and candy Mama Kathy has shared with the women of Alpha Mu and we can’t wait to spend more time with her. We are even lucky enough to get to see her three-year-old grandson around the house fairly often, which is always a wonderful form of stress-relief.

While Mama Kathy is a wonderful addition to our home, Mama Gee is still missed by many. And so this fall we were able to initiate Ms. Paula Gee into the Kappa Alpha Theta sisterhood so that she may be a part of us, and us her, for the rest of our lives. The Alpha Mu Chapter is so lucky to have had the opportunity to know Mama Gee and we are absolutely delighted to now have her as a member of the Alpha Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Mama Gee wasn’t the only new sister Alpha Mu received this year. In August we welcomed 82 beautiful, brilliant new members into our home and we have been absolutely thrilled with everything they have already brought to our chapter. You can learn more about each of them by checking out our new member spotlights posted earlier in the semester. We love MC ’16!

With the help of our wonderful new members, we were able to add a new component of our already successful fall philanthropy event, Flapjacks and Quarterbacks. In November, we hosted the first Theta 5k Glow Run benefitting Heart of Missouri CASA and The Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation. The race began at the chapter facility, wound through campus and back to the chapter facility where participants were welcomed into our home for our late night pancake dinner. Our Fall Philanthropy raised $14,500 in 2016.

To provide the best possible Theta experience for MC’ 16 and those to come, a few of our older members initiated several new programs this year. Chief Executive Officer, Maddie McMillian (MC ’13), began the Leading Women Speaker’s Series back in the spring semester and has continued to improve the program throughout the year. In October we were incredibly excited to welcome Senator and Alpha Mu Alumnae Claire McCaskill to one of our chapter meetings. Senator McCaskill shared what it meant to her to be an ambitious and successful woman and how her Theta experience shaped her into the woman she now is.

Additionally, Scholarship Director Sarah Gillespie (MC ’13) and member Lily Zacharias (MC ’13) began the Theta Career Mentors Program in the Fall 2016 semester. The program is designed to allow freshmen and sophomore members connect with a junior or senior member of their academic discipline for academic and career advice. Mentors help mentees select future courses, design resumes, apply for internships and much more.


A few more things the women of Alpha Mu have accomplished in 2016:

  1. Continued facility renovations – we invite all alumnae to stop by and check out our newly renovated basement, TV room, laundry room and bedrooms! All bedrooms, the Facility Manager’s suite, the foyer & front rooms and all new studies are set to be complete by the beginning of 2017 PHA Formal Recruitment.
  2. Hosted an international student from the U.K.. We are so happy to have Bea join us at 603!
  3. Had three members of MC ‘ 15 selected as part of Omicron Delta Kappa’s Distingushed 14 Freshman. Congrats to those wonderful women!
  4. Placed 5th overall in 2016 Homecoming with our Cat in the Hat themed decorations and performance.
  5. Sent another group of members on a Mizzou Alternative Break in Springfield, Missouri in November where they worked with Habitat for Humanity, The Boys and Girls Club and more.
  6. Three members, Hope Watson (MC ’14), Ashleigh Atasoy (MC ’14) and Sarah Gillespie (MC ’13) along with two other Mizzou students began an organization on campus called Roots. Roots seeks to impact the Columbia community by providing art clinics at after school programs for low-income families. Learn more on their Facebook page, Roots at Mizzou, or by visiting them in the MU Student Center when you’re in town. We’re so proud of them!

The women of Alpha Mu continue to exceed expectations by engaging in the campus, community and world around them. We are so grateful for everything these women have come together to accomplish in 2016 and we can’t wait to see what 2017 will bring.

Happy New Year from the women of Alpha Mu!

Bid Day? Best Day.

   The feelings of excitement and anticipation came flooding in the morning of Sunday, August 23rd, 2015.

   This was going to be a day I would ALWAYS remember. It was the University of Missouri’s Sorority Bid Day, also known as the “best day ever.” I woke up and got ready with my roommates just like all the rest of the days that week, except today I knew I would finally be able to take a deep breath. Today, I would find my home for life, my sisters forever, what could be better than that? In the moments leading up to getting our bid cards, I was with the rest of the girls in my Pi Chi group, all of us experiencing the same emotions of excitement and anticipation for what was to come. It’s almost indescribable, the feelings and emotions we were all feeling (almost 1,300 girls) all seemed to help bond us. So no matter what happened, we would always be able to share this bond with the girls who would spread across the fifteen different sororities at our university throughout the entire Panhellenic Association.

   Before the actual moment came where we got our bid cards, my roommates and I all looked at each other and said no matter what “we will always be sisters.” And then, the time had come, we finally got our bid cards and we were beginning the countdown as we all stood there on Faurot field, history in the making. As all 1,300 of us counted down to the moment we could finally open our bid day cards and claim our destiny (cheesy, I know) we finally hit that moment when each of us got to see which chapter would become our own. This moment was whimsical and fabulous, everything I had always hoped and dreamed it would be, other than the fact that I was struggling to open my bid card out of excitement. I just wanted to know which house would be mine! But then, when it finally ripped open, I saw the letters Greek letters Kappa Alpha Theta. 

   I shrieked for joy because I knew that one of my suitemates/best friend/now “SISTER” was also a Theta. I was freaking out, running to join the masses of jumping and screaming girls each of us bursting with excitement. We were finally here, we made it. The long week of recruitment and socials was finally over! We had finally found our home.

   Awaiting us was something even more exciting, our bid day buddies holding signs with our names, all of them just as excited to see us as we were to see them. Running through the tunnel with our new sisters and sprinting all the way to 603 Kentucky Boulevard to one of the greatest sights we would ever see: family, love, a home.

   It went a little like this…the adrenaline was rushing through my veins, I could see the house, I could see the crowd of my new Theta sisters, but where was my sign? I searched and searched and then, there it was. I ran to my bid day buddy and we jumped up and down, hugging and screaming. We ran inside the house to change into our bid day shirts and get “glitterfied” (I’m not sure if that’s a real word or not, but if it’s not I vote that it should be.) Next thing you know, we emerge from the house as if on cloud nine itself. Today was a day to remember. It was a whirlwind of activities and hugs and screaming for joy. Taking bid day pictures with our pledge class and our chapter, smiling until we couldn’t feel our faces. But it didn’t even matter, I hardly noticed when my face went numb, my parade could not be rained on. I was a Theta girl now. We were ALL Thetas now. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned these past few days, it’s that nothing could be better than sharing that bond and finding your new sisters, the sisters who will be your future best friends, your future bridesmaids, your family.  This is what I always dreamed of, and guess what? It’s finally here and I am never, ever turning back now.

Theta Love and Mine, 

Madison Rodick MC ’15


Madison Rodick MC ‘15

Thetas Go Global

In May, Mizzou Thetas scattered all over the country to take on jobs and internships for the summer. Some of our sisters even ventured outside of U.S. borders. Paige Norfleet and Sarah Gillespie both studied in Bergamo, Italy with Mizzou’s business school. They spent three days a week studying and the weekends traveling which allowed them to visit Florence, Verona, Milan, Prague and London. Anna Wilcox spent six weeks volunteering on a service-learning trip in Ireland through Mizzou. One of Anna’s site leaders, Meredith Harrison, is a Theta who went on the trip last year.

Paige Norfleet loved traveling with people she already knew and loved when everything else around her was unfamiliar. She got to experience new things with them while being comforted by the fact that they were experiencing the same home-sickness she was. Paige has always wanted to travel to Europe so it was so neat that she “could experience this dream with some awesome Theta sisters.”

Sarah Gillespie, who was on the same trip as Paige, said the most memorable part of the whole experience was just being able to travel to a variety of countries and places all while being surrounded by Theta sisters. “At Mizzou you get to know your sisters well. However, traveling with them allows you to see a completely different side and form an even stronger bond.” Paige and Sarah got to experience the World Expo in Milan while they were there and that was definitely one of the highlights of their trip. While they never quite mastered the public transportation system, they got along really well, endured struggles together and made incredible memories.

Anna Wilcox spent her time in Ireland volunteering at the Ability West centers, which are day centers for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Anna’s site leader Meredith is a Theta who went on the trip last year so Anna depended on her for any advice or questions about the trip. She loved getting to know the other people on her trip but said that “having a Theta sister [there] is like having a family member.” Anna’s favorite story even includes Meredith. “The night I was trying to catch a cab to take my 3 AM bus to the airport, I was so tired and slap happy and of course Mer was awake at 3AM to tell me goodbye! I was struggling to get my huge suitcase into the cab and we were laughing so hard, so thankful she was there to help me get off!”

Theta love is found in crafting parties for future littles in Kansas City during the summer but it also takes you all the way to Italy and Ireland.

Thetas Give Back

This past Spring Break numerous Thetas participated in Mizzou Alternative Breaks and served all over the country. Here are a few of the Theta participants’ stories:

Lisa Wetzig-Environment

mab 2Lisa Wetzig from MC’13 went to New Orleans on an Environmental trip through Mizzou Alternative Breaks. She and 11 other Mizzou students worked with a few organizations while they were there. The first organization was called Hike for KaTREEna and with them they planted and trimmed trees on medians in a Lakeview neighborhood, they also painted a playground and tennis courts nearby. The other organization they worked withis called Grow Dat Youth farm and it is a seven-acre sustainable, pesticide-free, organic farm. They weeded crops but also enjoyed hearing stories from the farm’s apprentices and also heard from one of the founders. On their free day they enjoyed seeing the French quarter, hiking in Lafitte Park and eating beignets at Café du Monde. While she really enjoyed serving, Lisa’s favorite part of the experience was seeing a new city and bonding with students whom she wouldn’t have met otherwise. She loved connecting over a common passion while giving back.

Connor Voss- Habitat for Humanity11080766_10206759778099915_9078287829432778868_o

Connor Voss MC’12 went to Starkville Mississippi to participate in a Habitat for Humanity MAB that was partnered with the Alumni Association Student Board. She and 11 other AASB members worked for the week with the self attributed “old, retired guys” on a home for a family of five. Connor’s trip was the third college group to work on this home for an owner who actually has family in Columbia. Something one of the “old, retired guys” said on her trip stuck out to her: “The house will be built regardless. It’s about building relationships.”

Carolyn Welter and Cassidy Herring- Adaptive Sports and Disabilities

Carolyn Welter MC’12 and Cassidy Herring MC’13 were both on the same Disabilities/Adaptive Sports trip to Pittsburgh. For their week in Pittsburgh they worked at a camp called Woodlands. A majority of the time they did maintenance for the camp getting it prepared for the summer but they also enjoyed time with the participants doing things at a music camp, swimming with the ‘AquaStars,’ and helping at Fit Club. Carolyn really enjoyed working with participants and how the goal of the camp IMG_8829was to enable participants to do things regardless of a disability. “The biggest thing I learned was how important it is as a community to provide resources for people with disabilities to do the things they want to do. Many people would rule out allowing a child who is ventilator dependent to swim but if we accept that nothing is impossible then we can really impact their lives.” Carolyn said. One of Cassidy’s favorite parts was the bonding she did with her group and the connections she made with them that she believes will last. “Our group meshed so easily and quickly, and that set the tone for the entire trip. Reflection time contributed to our cohesion too – the first night of service, we went extremely deep in our reflection      conversation. This enabled vulnerability and raw emotion from everyone, which immediately formed a new level of intimacy and friendship.” Cassidy said.

Kelsey Ethington- Disaster Relief2015-03-22 12.19.26

Kelsey Ethington MC’13 spent her spring break in New York on a Disaster Relief trip, rebuilding houses that were affected by Hurricane Sandy. The work she did included mold remediation, dry wall demolition, painting and moving out furniture. Kelsey really loved interacting with the homeowners and seeing how appreciative they were as well as see the effects that their service had. “I learned to appreciate my environment more and appreciate all of the opportunities I am blessed to have in my life. I saw lots of poverty and devastation on my trip, and I am thankful for the safety of my family and of my home,” Kelsey said.

photo 4Meredith Harrison and Lillie Heigl- Adaptive Sports

Meredith Harrison MC’12 and Lillie Heigl MC’14 went to Breckenridge Colorado on an Adaptive Sports trip. On their trip they served with the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center assisting the instructors as they worked with people who had disabilities ranging from amputations to Autism or Down syndrome. They worked with students who had been skiing for years and were mastering the black slopes as well as students who had never put on skis before. Harrison most enjoyed getting to know 11 other amazing Mizzou students and Lillie enjoyed empowering students to do things that many would deem impossible. “We should embrace our abilities rather than dwell on our disabilities,” Meredith said.

Julia Schaller- Environment

Julia Schaller MC’13 went to the Francis Beilder Forest in Harleyville, South Carolina for an Environment trip with MAB. Her trip20792_10203900671419399_679341484170440802_n worked with the Audobon society and they spent time clearing out tree branches and doing hardwood control. Hardwood control entails cutting down trees that prevent native trees from growing. Julia really enjoyed the manual labor aspect of her trip because she liked seeing the physical changes that she helped make and she is passionate about the environment. “I also, maybe most importantly, learned not to take life too seriously. Before my MAB trip, I was in the work zone. I feel like I kept my head down and always concentrated on what was next. On my MAB trip, I completely unplug, and I was actually looking up around me to savor the moments. I lived in the moment. I really embraced “This is it,” one of MAB’s principles, which basically states to live in the moment and take in everything that you can,” Julia said.

Katie Parkins- Homelessness and Poverty/Children

Katie Parkins MC’14 went to Charleston, South Carolina with MAB. Her trip consisted of working at the Low Country Food 11088406_10202938489662855_3566880359058107703_nBank sorting food to be distributed to the community, and working with the after school education program WINGS at Chicora School of Communications in North Charleston. Katie liked being able to connect her work at the food bank to her work with the children at Chicora, as the elementary school was one of the food bank’s distribution sites. Her group worked efficiently together and had sorted through an entire room of food by their fourth day there. At Chicora Katie spent the entire week with one group of Kindergarten and first grade girls, playing with them and helping them with homework. The children in the WINGS program at Chicora come from the poorest area in all of South Carolina, which is one of the five poorest states in the country. “Most of these kids won’t remember our names in a year or two, but we were able to give them love and attention that they might not have otherwise gotten that week and that is enough for me,” Katie said.


-Lillie Heigl, MC’14

Theta Spotlight: Martha Allen


Martha (middle right) before her first Opera at Mizzou

Martha Allen, MC’14 is a double major pursuing a BA in Music as well as secondary English education. Martha has been singing since she was a child and began singing with choir when she was only seven. She sang in school choirs growing up, she was in the Choir of Southwest Missouri until 8th grade and she participated in District and State honors choirs. She even took part in Solo and District State competitions.

Since coming to Mizzou, Martha has become a part of the college of education STUCCO, University Singers and the Show-Me Opera.

Martha has easily found ways to use her love for music on campus.

Studio and choir placement, one of the ways Martha has gotten involved, required her to audition during Philanthropy Day. 10599581_10203031633825936_30956774537878951_n University Singers is the top classical choral on campus and it is Martha’s largest time commitment requiring four and a half hours a week. When she came to Mizzou she decided to try something new and tried her hand, or voice if you will, at Opera. She has fallen in love with it because it is different than anything she has ever done before.

Mom’s Weekend 2015

For Alpha Mu, Mom’s Weekend was March 6th through March 8th, and it was a blast! This was all thanks to our events director, Brooke Johnson (MC ’13), who did an incredible job organizing it all.

On Friday, we got together with our moms for a Casino night at The Museao. The night was filled with a fun fake poker tournament and mini desserts and appetizers catered by The Upper Crust. The winner of this poker tournament was given a $50 voucher to spend at the silent basket auction on Saturday.

On Saturday at the house, we had our annual silent basket auction downstairs with various vendors upstairs. Baskets ranged from spring break survival kits to custom Theta necklaces, crafts, and blankets and Royals ticket baskets. These creative baskets were all donated by Theta friends and family and raised $5,879 for Alpha Mu. Upstairs, there were various different venders including Stella and Dot, Envy, Swank and many more; a great shopping experience for moms and daughters.

On Sunday, we had bunch at Cherry Hill. Luckily, the weather was wonderful and we were able to eat both inside and outside. We had fresh fruit, veggie quiche, sausage, bacon, and assorted pastries, also catered by The Upper Crust.

Thank you so much to all the moms who were able to make it this Mom’s Weekend, the vendors, the friends and family who donated and purchased baskets at the silent auction, and those who helped plan this fantastic weekend!

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-Kelsey Buehler (MC ’13)

Mizzou ’39

One of Mizzou’s highest honors, Mizzou ’39, is a specially selected group of 39 outstanding seniors awarded by the Mizzou Alumni Association Student Board and has been going on since 2005. In order to be considered for Mizzou ’39, the student must be a senior at the University of Missouri, fill out an application and demonstrate academic achievement, service, and leadership to Mizzou and the surrounding community.

This year, Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Mu was excited to congratulate both Marina Steinhauer and Sonja Perry on being selected for Mizzou ’39, a fantastic achievement. We asked both Marina and Sonja what it felt like to be honored with such an award.

Marina: “In realizing that I have only been at the Mizzou for two and half years, it is absolutely mind-blowing and humbling that I was selected to stand by 38 other exceptional seniors that have had much more experience than I have.  I feel so fortunate to be a part of this group because it enables me to learn so much from my fellow recipients and appreciate everything they have done for Mizzou as well.  It is also amazing because many of my fellow recipients this year and in past years are amazing friends and role models I have had during my time at Mizzou.  It is so exciting to be able to share this honor with them!  I look forward to continue giving back to Mizzou as it has provided so many opportunities for me during my time as a student.  This honor continues to reinforce to me that Mizzou is a true home that I will always come back to after I graduate.”

Sonja: “Receiving this honor is really humbling. There are so many people who are deserving, and to be named as one of the top ’39 really means a lot. Specifically to me, it means that the University of Missouri is relying on me to go out into the world and continue working for positive changes. There is the famous quote that says, “To whom much is given, much is expected.” Rather than seeing this as a pat on the back for previous accomplishments, I see it as an expectation to continue working hard throughout the rest of my life serving others not only as a veterinarian but also as a community leader.”

Congratulations to both of these wonderful women and all of their accomplishments including Mizzou ’39!

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-Kelsey Buehler, MC ’13


This year, Kappa Alpha Theta participated once more in RAMS, Rockin’ Against Multiple Sclerosis. This event is a weeklong effort to raise money for the MS Institute of Mid-Missouri. Throughout the week, fraternities and sororities participate in various events such as the Runnin’ Against MS 5k, Rock N’ Bowl, Jail N’ Bail, Trivia Night, Comedy Night and Rock It, a dancing and lip-syncing competition, to raise money for MS.

As a combined Greek community, all of those who participated were able to raise a total of $81,462 for Multiple Sclerosis. This totaled $30,00 more than the year before and was an incredible accomplishment! During this week, Kappa Alpha Theta received 3rd overall in RAMS as a whole and 2nd overall in the Rock It competition, something we are very excited and proud about!

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-Kelsey Buehler, MC ’13